Hello, my name is

Ata Jahangir Moshyedi


About me

Associate professor at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou, China

Background & Interest

I have done my PhD. in Electronic Science from Savitribai Phule Pune University, India( 2015). I have been a member of various Societies like IEEE, Instrument Society of India as a Life Member, Lifetime Member of Speed Society of India, and editorial team of various conference and journals. 


My research interest includes Robotics and Automation/ Sensor modelling /Bio-inspired robots, Mobile Robot Olfaction/Plume Tracking, Embedded System / Machine vision-based Systems /Virtual reality and  Artificial Intelligence.

What am I doing now

Currently I am researching on Robotics and Automation in the Robotics and Automation Research Lab (RARL)  at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology


A robotics engineer is responsible for creating robots and robotic systems that are able to perform duties that humans are either unable, or prefer not to complete. I research in the field on solving old problems with new techniques.

Embedded Systems

An embedded systems or software engineer helps design, develop, and maintain embedded systems in products. I work in midst of both hardware and software to build and prototype the next best embedded solution for the future.

App Development

Apps are the future of the world as the usage of handheld devices tend to further grow. I teach newer generation how to build apps simply and effectively while encouraging young researchers to learn and build apps and games that solve modern problems.



My Experience


Jiangxi University of Science & Technology

Prof. Associate

I am currently teaching at JXUST as a professor for International and Chinese Students on subjects such as App Development, Embedded Systems, Digital Image Processing, C Language etc.


Azad University

Research Guide

Advance Instrumentation, research methodology , Sensor and calibration in robots, Robotic, research methodology, Artificial Neural Network


Khomeinishahr University

Lecturer & Research Guide

Instrumentation ,Industrial Process, Microprocessor , Power Electronics, Test and measurement, Electronic Circuits, Digital , Microprocessor Lab ,Electronics Lab, Digital Lab, AC Lab, Special Course